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Cinder Bed Bikeway To Be Build In Fairfax County

In a lesser-known area of the southern Springfield-Beulah Road area, Fairfax County is building a multi-use path from Cinder Bed Road along Long Branch creek to the Franconia-Springfield Metro Station, enhancing a commuting option for many in this part of the county. The proposed trail called the “Cinder Bed Bikeway” will be a two-mile connection with two bridges over the creek, lighting, and neighborhood connections that are part of the county bicycle path network. Continue reading "Cinder Bed Bikeway To Be Build In Fairfax County"
Open post

Save $3,730 On Real Estate At Riverside Estates When You Use Nesbitt Realty To Get

Photo of 3208 Norwich Ter Our real estate agents are locals who live, work and play right here in Alexandria. Photo of 3208 Norwich Ter We know you have a choice. And our rebate is just one way of thanking our clients for the opportunity to be of service. Nesbitt Realty is happy to help, just let us know how. Some national chains famously rebate a portion of the commission but did you know that you can get small-business locally operated service AND a Nesbitt Realty can save you $3,730 on your purchaser's rebate at Riverside Estates? Photo of 3208 Norwich Ter Continue reading "Save $3,730 On Real Estate At Riverside Estates When You Use Nesbitt Realty To Get"

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